For the entire last week this has been my life: 

Monday through Wednesday I had the worst on and off fevers and sore throat. I was off of work since I had requested those days for Mardi Gras. Thursday I drove all the way to New Orleans for work, sat at my desk for 30 minutes and called it quits and drove home. That night I went to urgent care and got some answers: Strep Throat. Urg. Friday morning we were back at urgent care - this time for Ryan - also strep throat. Double Urg. 

You would think that since I only worked 30 min last week and have been home bed ridden I would have gotten ahead with some blogging - wrong. My one big adventure this weekend was grocery shopping and it kicked my butt. Besides that I have really just moved from bed to couch to bed again. There was one day in there I slept from 9pm to 1pm. Hopefully I will start to feel better sometime this week!!! 


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