We Are Moving!!

I've been keeping a secret... 
And it's a big one! 

After living in Louisiana for 3+ years Ryan and I have made the difficult decision to move back to Massachusetts! When I say difficult decision... I mean DIFFICULT. We have developed an entire life in Louisiana and it is hard to walk away from that.

The Who:

 Ryan, Willow and I are going to make the 23 hour car ride up to Massachusetts! Our little family is starting our next big adventure!

The When:

We pack up and leave Louisiana on March 31st and plan to get to our new home April 1st!

The Why:

 We thought long and hard about this move but ultimately it came down to where we want to raise our future kids. We want them to grow up near our families and get to genuinely know their grandparents... not just see them a couple times a year. Even though we have lived in Louisiana for a while now, our hearts have always stayed in Massachusetts.

The How:

 My dad has graciously agreed to fly down to Louisiana and drive our moving van (which will be towing my car) back up to MA. Meanwhile Ryan and I will be driving Ryan's car with the fluffy bunny in the backseat. We are going to drive 10 hours day one and spend the night in South Carolina with my aunt. Then on day two we are going to finish the last 13 hours up to Massachusetts!

With this big move I have also decided to make some BIG changes to the blog at the end of the month. I plan to rename, restyle and to get a new URL. I started this blog as a New Years goal to document life more and after a year and a half into blogging I think it is time to make some changes! I know this will be an adjustment but I will fill everyone in on all of the new details as I figure them out!

To my fellow bloggers out there who have renamed and rebranded - any tips and tricks I should look out for?!

Willow is going to need a new hashtag!
#LouisianaBunny isn't going to work anymore!

I'm excited the secret is finally out! Many moving related posts to come!


  1. I wish you all the best with your move and the blog changes.


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