What's Up Wednesday! May 2017 (on a Thursday!)

Ahhhh I know it is a Thursday and it is June now but I totally missed the ball on What's Up Wednesday this month! This is my favorite link up so I had to do it even if it was a day late!

To read my January WUW post go here!

To read my February WUW post go here
To read my March WUW post go here
To read my April WUW post go here!

And to read last years What's Up Wednesday posts (along with all my other link-ups)go here!

Linking-up with: 
 The Larson Lingo 
Mix & Match Family 
Sheaffer Told Me To 

What we're eating this week…

Ryan's oldest sister is visiting this week from California and we are eating basically whatever Ryan's parents make for dinner while she is here!

What I'm reminiscing about…

This time 4 years ago we were in Paris, France! We have been reminiscing a lot about our backpacking trip this month!


What I'm loving…

My new car!!!! It is soooo much better then my old one! 

What we've been up to…

Had a 5th birthday party for Willow...


Walked with some dinosaurs...


Bought a lot of plants...


Checked out an awesome lake


And had an awesome day trip to North Adams (post to come next week)!


What I'm dreading...

I started my new job yesterday and the commute is a solid hr each way. I am hoping they go by quickly but I am also already dreading all that time in the car!

What I'm working on…

Wedding centerpieces! 
Our entire guest bedroom has been taken over by lanterns, glue guns and mason jars! Oh My!

What I'm exited about…

I am excited about all of the potential day/ weekend trips we have started to plan for the summer! I want to do something exciting every weekend all summer!
What I'm watching/reading…


I was close to not watching the Bachelorette this season because I just really hated Nick last season but I figured Rachel deserves a chance!  



I am almost done with Summerland by Elin Hilderbrand. It is a really sad book but I like the storyline. Hoping for my next book to be a little lighter.

What I'm listening to…

Annnnnd speaking on the Bachelorette... I am listening/catching up with episode two as I type this!

What I'm wearing…

Back to business casual during the work week. I already miss my daily workout uniform!

What I'm doing this weekend…

This weekend is my 5 year college reunion! Hoping to run into a lot of old friends and catch up!

What I'm looking forward to next month…

June is full of dance recitals and to finish out the month... my Bachelorette party!!!! Can't wait!!!


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