Fathers Day Weekend!

This was a FULL weekend!! And I barely took any pictures! 

Saturday started a little bit on the worried side since Ryan's grammy was in the hospital. Her potassium was high so it was more of a precautionary visit than anything else! We started our day visiting her. Note: she is home and all better so I am glad they got it checked out!

Then by 2pm Ryan and I had to split up! My goddaughter had her dance recital and Ryan's cousin was getting baptized all at the same time! So off to the recital I went! This was my goddaughters first year on the competition team and since I danced for 15 years I was super proud of her! 

After the recital I was able to catch the post-baptism cookout. Ryan and his brother-in-law always get asked if they are brothers and on Saturday at the cookout they were dressed pretty similar! This had everyone laughing! Brothers from another mother! 

I was able to squeeze in a quick trip to frozen yogurt with my best friend and her husband after the cookout and when I finally thought the day was done, I got a phone call from the director of the dance studio I grew up at asking if I would come help with the dance sleepover! I jumped right on that and watched so much teen silliness ensue! The biggest hit was a game that they play at every dance sleepover called "bring me get me" which is basically a scavenger hunt and it results in millions of giggles! 

Example: Bring me get me as many goldfish stacked on a persons face as you can in one minute! 

I wasn't feeling an all-nighter and called it a night around midnight! #Phew

Sunday was all about the Dads! We went out with my dad to his favorite restaurant for lunch. My dad is one of those people who takes picking out a card very seriously. In return, my sister and I also take card selection for him seriously and we both scored big time! He laughed at both of them and we called it a success. 

After lunch (with a nap and a quick dip in the lake thrown in there somewhere) we made dinner for Ryan's dad at their house. Since they had been dealing with Ryan's grammy being in the hospital we had dinner all ready for them when they got home and it was a nice relaxing night! 

I never do day-in-the-life posts (though I have always wanted to) and this weekend would of been perfect! It was non-stop but so perfectly summer! 


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