Things I just cant stand!

Confession: I have a big time fear of Dr. Seuss. Even typing the word out right now makes me cringe. It all started in 1st grade where my teacher made us eat food dyed the color green. I'm picky with my food to start with so being force-fed green eggs and ham totally scarred me. My children will not own Dr. Seuss books. No negotiating that! 

This got me thinking about the other random things I just cant stand!

- I really hate wooden Popsicle sticks. The texture of wet wood on my tongue is enough to make me gag! When I was a kid I would eat a Popsicle just to the point where the wood was about to be exposed and then throw the rest out! Couldn't do it! Italian ice with the wooden spoon - forget about it! 

  -Those stupid strings that come on dresses that you use to hang on the hangers... you know what I'm talking about!? I always end up cutting these off but they annoy me until I reach that point!


- When stores don't take credit/debit cards. I never have cash on me and on the rare occasion I go to a store and they are cash only it is such a downer.

- Traffic
- Getting stuck in the rain without an umbrella

 So that is just a little bit of my "things that I just can't stand" list! I'm sure the second I click post I will think of ten more but my brain feels friend from work today!

It's almost Friday! 



  1. I can't stand the feel or sound of manicure files. Makes me cringe every time.


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