For the Love of Glitter and Tutus!

On Saturday I volunteered at 3 dance recitals! I grew up dancing and loved it from the second I was three until when I had to move on to college 15 years later! The dance studio I danced at started the same year I did. There were a really small group of us and we basically became family. The studio had a modest start in the basement of a church with only a couple classes. Now it is a force to be reckoned with! Hundreds of dancers, top marks at competitions, dancers who have gone off to be Celtics and Patriots cheerleaders! I love that as I grew up so did the studio! 
My dance family (out to eat to celebrate a great recital day)!
Ever since I moved back to MA I knew I wanted to help out wherever I could (the studio owners are family afterall) and the best way to help out was to volunteer on recital day!

The studio does three recitals: 11:00am, 2:00pm and 6:00pm. The 11 o'clock show was mostly time for the fluffly little girls with big bows and tutus. SO CUTE. There was a point where I had two 4 year olds on my hips crying in the wings while I needed to put makeup on another one. I love the chaos and all of the cute! The 2 and 6 o'clock shows had a lot more older kids who could take care of themselves so I just lined up the groups backstage and helped wherever needed!
I also got to snap some cool pics! 

Look how big the boys hip hop class was!!

I was there from 9am-9pm and as I got in the car and called Ryan all I could talk about was how much fun it was! I definitely plan to help out every year I can! It is a blast to me! 

Can you find me? <3



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