The Struggle is Real

The Show and Tell Tuesday theme this week is "The Struggle is Real"!
And when I think of the word struggle right now the first thing that comes to mind is free time. Finding free time is a STRUGGLE! 

I commute an hour to work in the morning and an hour and a half in the afternoon so by the time I get home it's clean, cook, shower, hang with Ryan/Willow for hopefully an hour, blog and bed! #Repeat 

Switching up that routine even just a little messes up something big time. And most of the time it ends up being cleaning. 
As I type this I see a looming pile in my peripherals and I am ignoring it big time!
The weekend is a whole other story.  I find myself feeling like I lived multiple days in just one! This past Sunday was one of those days! Ryan and I got our engagement photos done in the morning, was in Rhode Island for lunch/dinner, then we drove out to a lake and swam for over an hour! Felt like three different days all wrapped up in one!
On a blue moon we find ourselves with nothing to do - but we are not sit-around-all-day kind of people. We go go go and will fill up that free day in a blink of an eye!  

Excited to read other peoples struggles #NotAlone!


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