
I may have said this on here before but if I had to be a superhero my name would be the Anti-Procrastinator. I have always been a big time planner and I get joy from having stuff done ahead of time. Even in college I would get my home done as soon as I could so it wouldn't be looming in the back of my mind. Things stress me out pretty easily so I think my internal way of dealing with that has been to plan far in advance for basically everything. When we backpacked through Europe for 5 weeks I did all of the transportation and sleeping planning. We left the days open for spontaneity but I didn't want to have the worry of "where am I going to sleep tonight" especially in a foreign country! My most recent example is that our wedding is 10 months away and I have a majority of it planned and ready to go... ask our spare bedroom full of centerpieces! 

So when my fiances parents were getting ready for their 18 day California adventure and it was 9pm last night and they hadn't started packing (they leave at 4am for their flight) I had to politely excuse myself from the situation. LOL. They are famously always like this... I am so curious what time they ended up going to bed! 

I saw this and giggled. I use the line "on time is late" all the time and this feels like the same thing!! 

So that is a little bit about my anti-procrastinating ways! 



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