WPI 5 Year Reunion!

This past weekend I had my collegiate 5 year reunion and honestly it was disappointment. I went to Worcester Polytechnic Institute for my bachelors and masters degrees and I loved every second of it! I met the love of my life, made some lifetime friends, learned an amazing trade and had wonderful mentors... so when only 5 people from my class showed up for reunion it felt like a huge blow. I totally understand that 5 years isn't as exciting as 10, 25 or 50 years and people have moved away but 5 people... really?!  Ouch.

We do this little parade around our quad with all of the reunion years... look how sad our little class looked! Note: Ryan and the guy to the far right were not the class of 2012 but they were sneaky association

Worcester is a big college town. So on the same day as our reunion there were two other major college reunions happening and from what I can tell they were awesome. One of my girlfriends that was at hers said they gave away fleece jackets and everyone sleeps in their dorms with friends over night - how fun is that? One reunion even had fireworks (which we watched from the roof of our friends house)! Our reunion needs to step up there game!

Besides the disappointing showing - I really enjoyed listening to the president talk about the future of the school. My favorite part was actually these keychains they gave out. One side had the seal of the school and the other side you were able to get engraved with whatever you wanted.


My keychain getting engraved!

Ryan and I also had a lot of fun wandering around campus! This is me going "Ryan lets take a picture in front of where we got engaged"

And this is Ryan going "No PDA allowed!"


The 5 year reunion had some highs and some lows - I hope 10 year is much better!


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