I Survived the Sleepover!

Saturday into Sunday my 9 year old goddaughter, Julia slept over and it was fantastic! She is that perfect age where she wants to be so grown up but at the same time still embraces all things little girl. At one point in the weekend she even gave me a long lecture about how fairies don't exist - except for the tooth fairy - and she is a billionaire! lol I wish I could bottle this age! It is definitely my favorite!

Ryan was supposed to be camping with his guy friends this weekend but as the fates would have it, his trip got cancelled so it was 9-year-old-sleepover central for him! 

We picked Julia up around 4pm on Saturday and within 5 minutes of being at her house, she had shown us every flip she could do on the trampoline, all of her books and told us every reason why her big brother was uncool. From there we packed up the car and headed to Auburn, MA for Friendlys and Mini Golf! 

During dinner we got lessons on how many cooties Ryan had and how only girls are able to turn them on in off. It was concluded that even though Ryan had a lot of cooties I wouldn't catch them when we got married. She also had grand plans to prank Ryan later in the night with a whoopie cushion and every time he wasn't looking she would come up with more ways we could trick him. God bless Ryan, he was such a good sport! 


I haven't been to Friendly's in years and am happy to report it is exactly the same as it was 10 years ago! Nothing beats Friendlys! 

Crystal Caves Mini Golf was basically across the street so after we packed ourselves full of sugar we headed over! I had my 5th grade birthday here and I distinctly remember it being the first birthday I was allowed to invite boys too! Julia thought that was hilarious... because why would I ever want to invite boys to a party!? 

For a Saturday night it was busy, but we didn't have to wait for any holes which was nice! We decided that if it took you more than 4 shots to get the ball in, it would still only count as 4 points! This helped us avoid any mini golf frustration and also kept the scores pretty close! 



We all had a really good time! Ryan won, but I got the only hole in one! My only complaint is that there was a couple golfing the hole in front of us and they were constantly making out (like straddling each other in the cave make-out level). Both Ryan and I shot them dirty looks multiple times but they didn't seem to get the hint. Definitely was not the time and place for that.

After mini golf we headed back to our apartment. 

I had found a recipe for homemade slime and bought the exact ingredients as the online one to make it. According to the directions, all you needed was elmers glue, baking soda and contact solution. 



Well - it was a big time fail. It never turned to slime but instead was a sticky mess! Fortunately it was still fun just to stick our hands in and mess around with the glue!

After cleaning up and a well choreographed whoopie cushion attack on Ryan, I had one more trick up my sleeve! Ryan and I had bought a ton of sparklers when we lived in Louisiana and this was the perfect time to use them! The best part was that Julia had never used sparklers before and she LOVED it!!!




We had races up and down our driveway with them, spelt our initials, danced with them and had a blast! 

To wrap up the evening, we PJ'd up, popped some popcorn and snuggled on the air mattress to watch Harry Potter! 

Though she will tell you she stayed up all night, right around 11pm when the movie ended, we were all sleepy and she fell fast asleep! 

Sunday morning, Ryan and I woke up with a Whoopie cushion attack and an energetic 9 year old jumping on our bed! Tickle fights ensued, followed by chocolate chip pancakes! To get rid of some energy, we took a walk around the neighborhood and then played some scrabble before he mom showed up! 

It was a blast! Thanks to everyone who gave suggestions for activities (special shout out to my dad for the mini-golf idea)! We decided to make it a yearly summer tradition! 


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