What's On My Phone

I missed last week's Show and Tell Tuesday prompt but thought it was a good one (and I enjoyed reading everyone elses) so I thought I would still do it... even if it was late! Ooops! 

So what is on my phone?!

Pretty standard app set up (not sure why they are blurry) 

Let me highlight some favorites... besides the obvious - Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat 

I love Podcasts. Love love love. Listen to one every single morning and sometimes during the day at work. These are my favorites: 


I was listening to Disruptive Leadership, a TED talk, when I was working on this post! 

Another favorite is the countdown App... mostly for holidays and for the wedding!!


And speaking of the wedding - I have the Crate and Barrel App because I have been working on our Wedding Registry. The phone App is really easy to use and I like being able to add stuff on the go!

Other Apps... One Night Werewolf is actually an App that goes with this game.  

And Charades is great for when you are stuck waiting for a reservation or in line for something. I remember playing a lot of this in line for rides at Disney World. 

So that's on my phone! 

Any Apps I need to look into!?


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