Weekend Recap - Lots of bunny time!

This was one of those rare weekend where I had zero plans and was able to lay low. Friday my fiance and I were feeling like we were due for a date night so we went to Mare and Monte Trattoria, an Italian restaurant in Worcester, MA. The funny part is we picked this restaurant by the reviews and then as we were pulling up we realized we had been there before! Disclaimer: this restaurant is in a pretty bad part of town... but man the food is good! I had some fantastic gnocchi and Ryan had a yummy lasagna.


Saturday was a check-things-off-the-to-do-list day. Got my oil changed and tires rotated, had breakfast with my dad, did 6 (yes 6) loads of laundry, organized my closet and hung out with some friends at night. I did get a whole lot of quality bunny snuggle time in. I am so happy he is feeling better and back to his silly bunny self! 


Sunday I dedicated to family. I picked up my Grammy, we did some errands and then spent the afternoon at my cousins pool hanging out. So relaxing! I wrapped up the weekend watching Game of Thrones on my dad's huge TV!

Ryan was in New York City with his dad having a father-son weekend. They did all sorts of awesome things... empire state building, broadway, central park and to top it off a Red Sox/Yankees game! He didn't get back until the wee hours of the morning but loved every second of it! 

This week is looking like a busy work week so I am glad I was able to re-charge this lazy summer weekend!


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