My Dream Best Day Ever!

This week's Show and Tell Tuesday prompt was 
"Share what your best day ever would look like and tell us why"

I would have to think my best day ever would start at some tropical beach resort. I would wake up fully rested with an amazing view! The best part of this tropical beach resort would be... 

1) It was free 
2) All the servers would be extemely handsom 
3) The resort residents would be my friends and family! 

Kind of like college - it would be nice to have everyone I love super close by! 

The day would consist of swimming, laying in the sun without burning and consuming food that tasted amazing but had 0 calories. 

At night there would be some sort of show or live entertainment. A mix of acrobatics, talent and humor. 

To wrap it all up there would be a spectacular firework and meteor shower display on the beach... because why not?!

It's fun to dream... lol. I'm totally curious if other people went as extreme as I did with their best day ever! 


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