Mini Grill - We Love You!

For a project Ryan was working on at work, they gave everyone mini Weber grills. This was awesome for us because we still live in an apartment and do not have the space for a big grill. This past weekend we decided it was finally time to give it a try! The weather was perfect so burgers were on the menu!

Ryan set it up on our front sidewalk near our apartments little green space and we grabbed some chairs for grill viewing ... see how little the grill is!? So cute and perfect for 2 people! 


I was on cheese duty... cheese duty is the best duty! 

Ryan bought a meat thermometer and was super excited to try it out... lol #ManAndHisGrill

And dinner was served!! Those green beans were straight from my grammy's garden! We had cucumber from the garden too but that was in our bellies too quick for a photo!


First time using the mini grill was a success! I told Ryan BBQ chicken is next on my grill request list! I am sure we will get a bigger one someday when we get a house but for now I am glad we can still grill no matter where we live!



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