My Bunny, The Master Manipulator


This is a short little Willow Wednesday post! 

If you frequent around here then you know that Willow was really sick a couple weeks ago. He has returned to his normal self with the exception of the nighttime. For some reason at night he has really bad bathroom issues. He was making a mess all over the cage and Ryan and I found ourselves having to give him bath/clean his cage multiple days in a row. I have vivid memories of Ryan just getting out of the shower scrubbing the bunny cage in a towel with me ready for work trying to pin a sick messy bunny down with a facecloth... #BunnyParents lol 

So we read a lot of advice columns about this and it all seems to come down to bunny diet. We had cut out bunny treats a couple years ago with the exception of an occasional fruit snack. The online reviews said to cut out bunny food (fiber pellets you buy at the pet store and 80% of Willow's main diet) and keep Willow on a strict hay only diet. So we giving it a shot.


Like so hungry and whiny (yes bunnies can be whiny). Willow knows we used to keep his bunny food in the laundry room which he can see from his cage. Now, every time we go into the laundry room he freaks out running in circles begging to be fed. He looks at you with his big puppy dog eyes begging for his normal food. Willow has never been a fan of hay but would occasionally nibble on it. Now that it is 100% his diet you can tell he is reluctant to give in. 

In one of the articles it said to beware of your bunnies master manipulating ways. So true. Willow knows how to work us! He has been so affectionate and full of kisses. Trying to sweet talk (in bunny form) us into feeding him.

I am trying not to cave, especially since he has not had any issues since we cut the bunny food out of his diet! Our saving grace is that he can still have some of his favorite greens. He gets a breakfast salad in the morning: cilantro, basil and mint and he has been doing good with that!  

We are one week deep into the diet - wish us luck!!


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