Friday Favorites 8.25.17

This week for Friday Favorites I thought I would share some of my favorite posts! I've been blogging for almost 2 years and some posts have definitely stuck out!

My most popular post was this past Thanksgiving, the 10 year reunion of when I danced in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!

Check out that post here!

I think my most embarrassing post was about the time I went to a bath house in Hot Springs, Arkansas and was MORTIFIED about the unexpected public nudity.

You can read Part 1 here! (this part has the embarrassing story) &
Part 2 here!

Imagine this - butt naked - in front of a ton of people...


My favorite review was of the EPCOT Sea Aqua Tour in Disney World! We got to snorkel in the fish aquarium in Disney with sharks, sea turtles and sting rays! It was amazing!

You can read that post here!
Note: When I started blogging I stayed anonymous for a little while to see if I would stick with it ... you will notice I signed the post "WC" then as a cover identity! 

Another all time favorite was sharing my proposal story! 

You can read our love story here!

And to wrap it up... my most recent favorite was sharing our trip to Nantucket! I am still obsessed!!

Check that out here!!! 

This weekend I am hosting a sleepover with my 9 year old goddaughter!! Looking for recommendations of activities so please leave a comment below if you have any!

Have a great weekend!


  1. These all sound so fun! I cannot wait to check some out this weekend. Happy blog-versary! Enjoy your weekend:)


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