Wedding Planning Wednesday - Bouquet Addition

Tonight I have an appointment to meet a florist for my wedding flowers! 

I had an appointment at another local florist a couple months ago and it was awful! The florist couldn't provide me with seasonal flower options, refused to give me a quote and she just didn't have any recommendations at all... it was overall just a bad experience. Then I had a strike out with a florist who couldn't provide flowers for my wedding date and another one who charged way too much for just a consultation... urg!! Who would of guessed that finding a florist would be the hardest part of wedding planning so far... not me!!

I really have my fingers crossed that this little mom-and-pop florist will be the winner!

So for today I thought I would share what I am thinking for my bouquets!

For me I am thinking mostly white with a little light pink thrown in!



The bridesmaids will be wearing wine colors and the men will be wearing navy blue. Keeping that in mind I really like green accents for the ladies (can totally stick with the white and light pink flower theme too) and simple for the men's boutonnieres.



What did you do for your wedding flowers!?
And specific flower recommendations?



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