Zucchini Zucchini Everywhere!

My Grammy has a quarter acre garden on her property and this time of year she has more zucchini than she knows what to do with! And we have no issue taking some off her hands!

We went by her place the other day and she gave us the biggest zucchini I've ever seen her grow! 

I wish I got a picture of the entire thing! This was half of it! I actually had to cradle it like a baby when I was carrying it because it was so large! 

On Sunday I declared it Zucchini day!

My Grammy gave me her Zucchini bread recipe...

And I made two loaves! 


Then for dinner I found this stuffed Zucchini boat recipe!

I used hamburger and mozzarella cheese for our zucchini boats and the leftover zucchini made 4 very large boats!  I totally forgot to take pictures of our yummy boats but the From Valeries Kitchen ones looked pretty identical!   

I might be all Zucchini'd out for a while but everything was so yummy! 

Thanks Grammy!


  1. Wowzers, that is a big zucchini! My mother had a zucchini bread recipe of her own and she'd make several when she had a lot of zucchini. Luckily, I was able to get her to write down the recipe before she passed away.


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