Pan Mass Challenge Cheering!

This past weekend was the Pan Mass Challenge!

If you are not from Massachusetts and have zero idea what I am talking about...

The Pan-Mass Challenge raises money for life-saving cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute through an annual bike-a-thon that crosses the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Since its founding in 1980, the PMC has successfully melded support from committed cyclists, volunteers, corporate sponsors and individual contributors. All are essential to the PMC's goal and model: to attain maximum fundraising efficiency while increasing its annual gift. Our hope and aspiration is to provide Dana-Farber's doctors and researchers with the necessary resources to discover cures for all cancers.

Ryan's cousin and uncle were riding this year and they were doing the two-day Sturbridge to Provincetown route (192 miles)!

Day 1:

Day 2:

Fun fact: Ryan's cousin Summer was the youngest to ride the 2 day route! We were so proud of her! That is a lot of miles for a 15 year old!


My friend has a house on mile 61 of the day 1 route and on Saturday he hosted a PMC viewing breakfast party! It rained pretty hard but he had set up a tent so we cheered in the rain! I really think the bikers appreciated that people were still out there giving them all the applause!  


 Summer and her dad David were on team beachcomber and the entire team had stuffed animal sharks on their helmets! Helped us spot them in the sea of bikers! Unfortunately we didn't get a picture when they were riding by (because we were too busy cheering) but here is a picture at the finish line of day 1!


It was a great day to cheer everyone on who raised so much money and biked such a long distance all in support of people with cancer!


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