Willow Update

So I actually had an entire Willow Wednesday post all ready for yesterday but Willow got really sick Tuesday and we had to take him to the emergency room... so it didn't feel right posting a Willow update that wasn't accurate. This past week Willow has been having some on again/off again diarrhea and over the weekend and into Monday he stopped eating. Tuesday morning he flat out was refusing his favorite foods so we knew we needed to go see the Vet. After calling 3 vets in the area, they all agreed that the best place for him to go was Tufts Veterinary Hospital.

Ryan took him right after work and I got there as soon as I could. They took him back to be checked on and - let me tell you - there is nothing more heartbreaking then sitting in a Veterinary ER waiting room. We saw so many sick animals come in and so many people crying. Every time I saw someone leave in tears I also cried in solidarity thinking about my poor bunny and wishing I could hug these sad strangers.

After three hours we got to speak with the doctor. Willow was experiencing some painful abdominal signs and they wanted to keep him overnight to see a bunny specialist in the morning. So we went to the back room, gave Willow lots of kisses and pets, wished him goodnight and went home.

Yesterday the bunny specialist called in the morning and told us that he was experiencing gastrointestinal stasis... which essentially is when your digestive systems stops working. This can be fatal in bunnies so we are really glad we brought him in. We decided the best course of action was to do some blood work and go from there. Thankfully his blood results came back really normal but by the end of yesterday Willow still wasn't eating so we decided it was best for him to stay another night. He is on antibiotics, fluids and they have been feeding him critical care liquid bunny food.

Hopefully tomorrow he is more himself and we can bring him home!

Home is not the same without our fluffernutter. Ryan and I both miss him tremendously and have been really worried about him. He is only 5 years old (~ 40 years old in bunny years) so we are still hoping for many years ahead with him!

Please keep in him your thoughts and prayers!

Here are some pictures of him from last week before he started feeling sick.

When Willow is outside he always stays really close to us! This particular day he came up and snuggled in my hair for a bit. 




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