Blueberry Pie

 My uncle has an entire blueberry garden and over the weekend he gave us a gallon of super plump blueberries! Yesterday I decided to whip up a couple pies! 

I am pretty old school when it comes to blue berry pies - just some sugar and flour and call it a day! 

Recipe Filling (1 pie)
6 cups blueberries 
 3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup flour

Recipe Filling (2 pies)
12 cups blueberries  
1 1/2 cup sugar 
1 cup flour

I usually just buy the refrigerated crusts! Pillsbury are the best - just make sure they are defrosted/ room temperature otherwise they do not unroll easy. I melt some butter, spread it on the crust and then sprinkle some sugar on top! 


Years ago I read about this trick for pies where you cover the crusts with foil and ten minutes before the pie is due to be done, take the foil off. It really works and I always bake my pies this way!!!


Bake for 35 minutes or when the crust gets golden brown. 
(See how the pie crusts are not burnt!?)


So that is a little pie for your Monday! Goes perfect with a little scoop of vanilla bean ice cream!!



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