One Year Anniversary of Our Move!

Yesterday was not only Easter, but the one year anniversary of our move from Louisiana to Massachusetts!

Quick background on Ryan and me: we grew up in central Massachusetts, went to college in central Massachusetts, then moved to Louisiana for 4 years. While we were in LA, we lived in both New Orleans and Baton Rouge. We loved our life down in the deep south! Louisiana was the first place Ryan and I lived together and I think our time living away from our families was really valuable for developing a solid foundation for our relationship.

After we got engaged in December 2016 we made the hard decision to move to back to MA to be  closer to family. 

I can't believe we have been back here a whole year now! I still catch myself saying, "We just moved back here form Massachusetts!" I guess I need to accept it at this point!

So for today I (since I am missing Louisiana a little), I thought I would share some of my favorite Louisiana experiences!

Clark Creek Natural Area

Celebration in the Oaks


Tabasco Factory

Mardi Gras Ball


We hosted some holidays

And just had a really good few years! Most posts from 2015 to April 2017 are Louisiana oriented - check them out!


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