Friday Favorites (4.5.18)

When you awkwardly get the date wrong but the blog post is already up ... **insert eye roll here**


Only one month until...
May 5th!!!
 Wedding Day!!

Ahhh it's so close!!!  


And speaking of the wedding... Ryan and I did our seating chart and it was surprisingly really easy! We bought a poster board, laid out where the tables would be and went to town! There were pretty obvious clusters of friends and family so fast forward one hour and we had the whole thing done! We were both so surprised how smooth it went!


Easter night after we got home from stuffing our faces we decided to snuggle with our Easter bunny and watch a movie! We settled on The Zookeeper's Wife. It was SO good and totally heart wrenching. If you have HBO it's on HBO Go right now, I really recommend it!


This is a silly one - but totally a favorite! I had given up cheese for lent and during that time my co-workers had gone out to Mac & Cheese Monday at Red Heat Tavern a couple times. I always went along but sadly could not join in the mac & cheese... well my coworkers knew that I had missed out a couple times so this past Monday we all went out and had Mac & Cheese! This was debateably the best M&C I have ever had!


And to wrap up favorites this week... Willow has been obsessed with our Tulips so I finally let him get some smells in.. he may have taken a bite or two too!


Silly bunny!

This weekend I have my final wedding dress alteration appointment and want to check off a bunch of other wedding to-dos! 

Happy Weekend!


  1. You have a real bunny? Look how cute! Visiting from Friday Favorites:). GOod luck with the wedding planning... so exciting:)

  2. Oh that mac and cheese looks so good! I'm not sure I could give up cheese for a while, that's so hard! Good for you!


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