Clark Creek Natural Area

Hello! This past weekend my boyfriend and I went on an adventure to Clark Creek Natural Area in Woodville, Mississippi. 

We had done some research before going and on one website the writer exclaimed… "Rocks and Hills - an uncommon thing for the south"… which is true… but for two Massachusetts natives… rocks and hills did not seem to boast much. Little to say we didn't have high expectations. 

But let me start by saying… Clark Creek completely and totally exceeded our low expectations plus some! 

It was gorgeous! The closest we have felt to being in the North while living in the South. We have gone on a handful of hikes in the area and there always seems to be a lot of bugs and stagnant water… this was the complete opposite! The entire hike follows a creek (duh) which has multiple waterfalls along the way! 

This time of year is perfect because the water is high enough for the waterfalls to show off some of their glory but also low enough you can walk along the creek without being knee deep in the water! (We also picked a perfect weather day which doesn't hurt!!) 

Side View

Top View 

When you get to the trailhead there is a little restroom and water fountain (or bubbler if you are a Northern girl like me). There is also a "Honor Box" where you drop 4$ and pick up a parking voucher. Without the voucher you could get a parking ticket. There is no one there to monitor your payment… hence the "honor" part. 

The trail immediately has a relatively downhill descent (omg a hill!). Some parts of the main path have stairs as a option and others do not. 

The first couple major waterfalls have stairs that lead down to them which is great if you are with kids or dogs. Keep in mind that there are some really steep stair-less areas so you still have to be mindful of safety! For example… What you can't see in the below two pictures is that we are holding onto that tree for dear life because just behind us is a decent 15-20ft drop! 


The best part of the day was getting off the beaten path and finding a waterfall that wasn't completely swarmed with people. We took one of the less traveled paths and came across this little waterfall which was so calm and beautiful to hang out by! 

I promise we are actually touching the water here… you just can't see it in the picture!! 

From there we followed the creek for a while… got our feet wet and finally found our way back to the main path to get back to the car!! Such a great little morning adventure! 


If you live in the Baton Rouge area it is about a 1.5hr drive (close to 2.5 for a New Orleans resident). It is a perfect place to escape and get out of the city! Dog + kid friendly, lots of shade, and nice cool water to hang out by! We definitely plan to go back! 


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