My Sick Day List

My aunt posted this photo on Facebook yesterday… 

… and I found myself nodding umm-hmm to the computer! 

Yesterday I stayed home from work with the most killer of headaches. One of those headaches you go to sleep with hoping it will be gone in the morning but then you wake up and your like -damn it- because it is still there. Boo. Unfortunately my family is prone to migraines and when they strike there is not much you can do about it. 

And for me when I am sick… I do 3 things. 

1. I watch way too much Netflix. Like way too much. I think the entire day I had it going in the background. My binge series of choice: Once Upon a Time. I was super into this show when it came on tv but kind of fell out of it around the second season. Yesterday seemed like a good day to catch up! 

2. Depending on my level of sick… I like to bake. Obviously if I'm feverish or contagious I don't go near public food but if my sick is just contained to a headache… baking is my therapy of choice. I've always preferred baking over cooking… something about the amazing smells and knowing your baking something special just makes me feel better. It is my favorite kitchen activity! Yesterday being a headache ridden day - I went through my new cookbook "Mix and Match Cakes" and picked out the Butterscotch Bundt Cake

Now trust me. It doesn't look pretty like the picture in the book… 

Photo Cred: Mix and Match Mama

… so I'll save you from a picture… but it does taste SUPER yummy!! To see the recipe I used you can see it on her blog… here!

3. Third… and the most depressing… I always get kind of sad. Not sure why. This is something that ALWAYS happens to me when I am not feeling good. I usually just feel sad. For zero reason. Like cry during puppy commercials sad. Lol. Hence why that quote at the beginning of this post seemed so relevant. 

But the good news is I am all good now! Back to the normal routine (and work…boo). 


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