Where is Your Happy Place?... Week 1

Happy Thursday Everyone! I saw someone post a picture on Facebook last week that was captioned.. "I'm in my happy place" and I thought that theme would be a fun mini series to do as blog posts! So this is "Where is Your Happy Place?" and for the next two Thursdays I will share where my happy place is for vacation, at home and activity! 

Week 1: Vacation Spot!

The vacation spot that is my happy place has to be anywhere and everywhere that has a beach. There is nothing I don't love about the beach! I love the sand, the salt, the sun! For some reason a vacation doesn't feel like a vacation if a beach isn't involved! 

Now I'm not picky … the beach doesn't have to be on the ocean! I like lakes too! Growing up in Massachusetts there are tons of local lakes that you can go to! My whole family loves to swim so growing up - we were always at some lake in our free time!  

Here are some of my favorite beach spots over the past couple years… 

Porto Ecrole, Italy 


The Island of the Bahamas 

Camping in Perdido Key, Florida 

Destin Beach, Florida 

The Island of Grand Turk 

Cape Cod, Massachusetts 

What vacation spot is your Happy Place?! Please comment below! I'd love to read about your favorite places! And come back next week for What is Your Happy Place - At Home edition! 


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