Our Apartments Newest Piece of Art

Warning: I am about to brag a little about my boyfriend. So stop reading now if that is something you could care less about!! 

Ok now that that is out of the way…. 

When we moved into our apartment 2 months ago (can't believe its been two months already!?) and finally settled in, we started to decorate! I'm the type of person who moves somewhere and unpacks everything the same day. Can't handle the clutter!! Well our new apartment has a lot more wall space then the past apartments so we had some very large awkward bare walls that needed some love. One wall in particular was the one above our TV in the living room. 

My boyfriend and I went to a couple different stores looking for some wall art and every single one I picked out he would comment that he could paint that himself… so finally I threw up my hands and said… "ok then go paint something" … and he did! 

My boyfriend likes to paint as one of his hobbies…. and I think he is fantastic!! 

I had some criteria for the TV wall space: 1) the colors couldn't be too bright and 2) it needed to be more on the abstract side if things compared to being super detailed since I didn't want it to be a distraction based on the location. So he set off to work… 

The beginning stages… 

A few more details… 

And the finished product! 

So you can get the idea of the space! 

I'm so happy with the finished product!! I can't believe he did the whole thing in only a month too! I don't know anything about art but that seems fast to me! I had to share because I am so happy with it! I hope you get some enjoyment out of it too!


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