Stranded With…. Month 2!

I love this new Link up!! Such a fun idea! 

I am linking up with Mix & Match Mama and A Little Bit of Everything for a new-ish monthly link up where the big question is… If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only take 3 things what would they be?! 

To read my Month 1 list for Medicine Cabinet Items click… here!

And for this week…

The theme is Books!

Oh my gosh. This is another tough month! I love to read so it is hard to pick my top 3! It is even harder because some of my favorite books are series which I feel like would be cheating! I'm not going to cop-out and do series… but I am going to switch it up a bit and do Authors! 

1. Anything and Everything Jodi Picoult!

Hands down Jodi Picoult is my favorite author. Ever since high school I have been obsessed with her writing! I think I have read almost every one of her books! Some favorites to name a few… 

2. Anything and Everything Dan Brown!

You may know him for his religious conspiracy novels (Angels & Demons and DaVinci Code) but what actually got me into his writing were some of his older adventure novels. For the longest time, if you asked me what my favorite book was, I would say Deception Point. I loveeeee this book (still do) but there is so much good writing out there it is hard to limit yourself to just one! 

Another older book of his that I love… 

3. And for my last and final book… The Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Ha! So if I am all alone on a deserted island I am going to need some serious entertainment… Having a dictionary might be the perfect distraction! If I am ever rescued I will have a 5 star vocabulary! 

Not going to lie… Netflix series next month might be easier! ha! 


  1. Great picks--love a good conspiracy theory as well and Dan Brown's are seriously the most page-turning. Choosing the dictionary made me laugh but it would probably provide hours and hours of entertainment :) Liz @

  2. You're an overachiever with that dictionary :) You'll be ready for the national spelling bee :) ... I bet it would be interesting to read if there was nothing else to do :)


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