Friday Favorites (5.20.16)

It's Friday Friday… gotta get down on Friday… lol… I hate that song. 

And like every Friday... I am linking up with Grace and LoveA Little Bit of Everything, & Momfessionals  to share 5 of my favorites from the week! 

To see the past Friday Favorites…

The first favorite for the week has to be all the color I got at Pensacola Beach on Saturday (don't worry - I was all lotioned up and got color the healthy way)!! So much fun! Lots of driving for one day but well worth it for the perfect weather and gorgeous clear waters! You can read all about our crazy beach day trip here


Then on Sunday my boyfriend and I were on a walk and saw the most perfect Magnolia flower. Isn't it just flawless!! It was just low enough where I was able to get a good picture of it! I'm debating getting it printed and framed! 

Another favorite has to be the book I finished… Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. Even though I'm already 100 pages deep in another book… I still find myself thinking about Me Before You! Such a beautiful book in such a unique way! 

I am also looking forward to see the movie adaptation of it out on June 3rd!! The countdown is on!! I hope I will be able to drag my boyfriend to go see it!! If not I'll recruit some girlfriends!

Oh and how could I forget the conclusion to the never-ending hunt for the perfect Wicker Basket!!! I'm still so happy with it! Update: The bunny is obsessed with it and keeps trying to eat it so we now have a  quarantined bunny free zone where he can't get to it!! Ha! Silly Bunny. 

You can read all about my quest for the perfect Wicker Basket here!

For memorial day weekend my boyfriend and I are thinking of driving up to Hot Springs Arkansas! We are still in the planning stage … even though Memorial Day weekend is next week!!! Soooo if any of you have any recommendations or tips, please let us know!! We are hoping to have 2 full days and plan to cram as much in as we can!!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! 


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