Willow Wednesday: Part 6

First Wednesday of the month! You know what that means!!! Willow Wednesday! To read my past Willow Wednesday posts see here… 

Willow Wednesday: Part 3
This is a special Willow Wednesday because my favorite fluffy bunny turned 4 on Monday and according to the bunny age chart… he is the equivalent of a 39 year old!! 

Just 4 years ago I picked up a tiny like cotton ball fluff of a thing and brought him home in a shoe box! These are my favorite baby pictures of him! 

See the lined shoebox! 


And now… 


Favorites: Fruits and Veggies (especially bananas and carrots), getting pet on the couch, hiding under the coffee table and being chased down the hallway
Least Favorites: Thunderstorms, the Vacuum and getting his nails clipped 

For his birthday I did some research and made some homemade bunny treats! 

  • Half bag of shredded carrots 
  • 2 Banana
  • 1/4 cup Oats 

  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees 
  • Chop the shredded carrots to small pieces and mix with mashed bananas. Mix in oats. 
  • Scoop spoon-full sized pieces onto a baking sheet 
  • Bake for 30min or until hard 
  • Let cool! 
Willow loves them!! Such a nice birthday treat!! 

Love my little fluffy bun and wish him a Happy 4th Birthday! <3



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