Friday Favorites (5.27.16)

Oh Heyyyyyy Friday! Boy have I missed you! 

This will sooooo be me later today! The second we leave work my boyfriend and I are getting on the road and going on VACATION! Nothing crazy! A mini road trip to Hot Springs, Arkansas to add another pin to our map! 

And like every Friday... I am linking up with Grace and LoveA Little Bit of Everything, & Momfessionals  to share 5 of my favorites from the week! 

My first favorite this week is my new blog post mini series …. Where is Your Happy Place?! Week 1 was Vacation Spot themed! Come back the next two Thursdays and share your happy places!! And if you missed this past weeks, you can read it here


I am on a serious Jodi Picoult book re-read marathon right now! Last week I read Change of Heart and this week I am reading House Rules. And if you missed my Change of Heart post you can read it… here!


Last Friday I convinced my boyfriend (while my sister on FaceTime helped) that it was necessary to get some pizza for dinner because a) I really didn't feel like cooking b) we haven't had pizza in a long while and c) hello… Dominos (aka my favorite pizza since college… #sorrynotsorry)! 

This is me 100% excited to be going home with pizza and cheesy breadsticks. #BringOnTheCarbs! Annnd if you like my super awesome Jean Jacket (which I am sooo in love with) you can get it… here!

On Monday night, I went to a Bachelorette Premier viewing party which consisted of fantastic jambalaya, plenty of giggles, my boyfriend (who was dragged along with the promise of another male being there… that didn't end up coming #Fail #HeStillHadFun #HeWillNeverAdmitThat) ANNND these awesome Bachelorette brackets!! 

If you want to play along you have to fill out the bracket before the 2nd Rose Ceremony! I will share my bracket picks with you next week!!… But for the record I am #TeamJordan! 

Annnnd since I brought up the Bachelorette… THIS: 

by Jimmy Kimmel. 

To catch up on some of my past Friday Favorites… check out below! 

And a quick note: There will be no post on Monday as I will still be on my mini vacation for the long Memorial Day weekend! Hope everyone has a blast this weekend! 


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