Thanksgiving 2016

Thanksgiving was this past Thursday and we are still eating Turkey dinners, sandwiches and soup! Turkey for days and days and days... and we love it!! 

This was the second time Ryan and I have hosted Thanksgiving and my dad has come to visit both times! My sister came this year too and she kept saying how "adult" we were! I'm going to take that as a compliment (I think... lol). 

Last week I mentioned how I was in crisis planning mode for the Thanksgiving menu since my dad has a strict diabetes diet and my sister is lactose intolerant!  Well here is what we ended up cooking... 

Thanksgiving Day Menu
--Turkey stuffed with 2 apples and basted in Italian dressing and poultry seasoning 
-- Stove top cornbread stuffing 
--Brown Gravy
--Cranberry Sauce
--Pilsbury Biscuits 
--Mashed Potatoes 



Love my man carving a turkey! Side note: when I posted these pictures on Facebook our friends and family made fun of us for drinking big glasses of milk in wine glasses for dinner... we just like our milk!! Lol!

For Dessert we had:
--Pumpkin Bread
--Raspberry Pie
-- Pecan Pie 


We had a really awesome Thanksgiving!!  Ate a lot of food, Facetimed with our family all over the country and took a lot of naps! The only downside for the holiday was the post-dinner walk where I stepped in a fire ant mound while wearing flip flops. Let's just say my right foot is 100% out of commission recovering from 10+ fire ant bites. **Sigh**

I guess it is back to reality - Bring on all things Merry and Bright! 


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