Willow Wednesday: Part 10

Willow Wednesday is the one day of the month solely dedicated to my fluffy bunny Willow! 

(But you can always follow him with the hashtag #LouisianaBunny)

So what's new with the fluffy bunny…

1. We had an impromptu photo shoot! I can usually tell when Willow is in a mellow mood for this sort of thing … and this was one of those times! We had been snuggling on the bed and he started playing with a ribbon I had and I decided it was a good time for some pictures! 




And my favorite… 

2. There was some photo bombing 

3. There was some hide-and-seek


(If I don't see you - you don't see me)

4. There were some family pictures


5. There was that time Willow got hunted by a cat… So we were hanging outside and this big fat cat spotted Willow and was doing that slow-motion stalk walk toward him. Ryan kept chasing the kitty away but he kept finding us! He totally thought he was being sneaky. I don't have a picture of the cat but you can see the bush (behind Willow) he kept hiding in! 

6. And just some general cuteness! 

I love that the weather is finally starting to cool down so that Willow can enjoy the cooler weather! 

And to read my past Willow Wednesday posts see here… 


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