Stranded With… Part 8

**Waking up this morning I have so many emotions about the results of the election and do not quite have the words yet to express them. So on that note: here is something completely fun and light 

Every month I am linking up with Mix & Match Mama and A Little Bit of Everything for a fun monthly link-up where the big question is… If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only take 3 things what would they be?! I love this link-up! This is probably the best deserted island of all time!

To read my April list for Medicine Cabinet Items click… here!
To read my May list for Books click… here!
To read my June list for Netflix Series click… here!
Whoops! I missed July!!! 
To read my August list for Footwear click… here!
To read my September list for Movies click… here!
To read my October list for Halloween Candy click… here!

And this month the theme is… Outerwear!

1.  Since it is fall - my brain is on fall attire and to me this means Scarves! I love me some scarves! I will eventually do a post with all of my favorite scarves, but for now, I will just share my favorite one! Maybe this island gets cold at night?? Got to have a cozy scarf to snuggle up in! 

Say hello to my Plaid Infinity Scarf. Aka my favorite accessory!

I wore it all over Chicago….


I wear it to work…

And it is basically my favorite go-to scarf! I am totally convinced it goes with everything. 
Blue. Maroon. Red. Black. White. Grey. Ivory. Jeans. Work Pants. Dresses. Everything!

You can check out my very favorite scarf here!

2. Aviator Sunglass. I would be lost without my aviators! I currently own two pairs. The pair on the left has gold coloring and was a gift and the pair on the right has silver coloring that I bought from Payless for 6$ three years ago. I would love to save up and buy a nice quality pair of Ray-Bans someday, but honestly my free and 6$ pairs are working just fine for right now! Can't live on a deserted island without some sweet sunglasses!

3. So when I first read this post I actually thought it said Activewear and not Outerwear… but I guess they are really one in the same! So my favorite Activewear (and my third Outerwear choice) has to be my new sneakers! After trying on at least ten different pairs of shoes for my birthday, I settled on the Saucony Ride 9s. I am not a runner… like at all… but I have noticed these new sneaks have made my casual jogs way easier to do! I will always be a barefoot/flipflop girl, but these sneakers have been a game changer and would totally be essential on this deserted island!

Cant believe next month is December and we will talking about Christmas Movies!! It will be hard to pick just 3!


  1. Good choices - I didn't even think of sunglasses!!


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