Mix and Match Mama's Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bars

Over the weekend two exciting things happened.

1) I finally got my Mix and Match Mama Eat's Cookbook

2) I tested out my first recipe from it! I baked the Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bars! You can check out her recipe here! And FYI, I used cinnamon instead Pumpkin Spice. 

Things I learned:

1) They are so yummy and addicting 
2) This was a difficult recipe to start with since I do not own a blender (looking at you cream cheese)
3) They are super good frozen and eaten like ice-cream bars! 
4) This recipe makes a TON - perfect for a party, a lot for just Ryan and me! 

This is how mine looks:

May not look as pretty as hers… but I'm sure it tastes just as good!!

As of next week I will be in hard core Christmas mode so trying to squeeze in as much Pumpkin pastries as I can!


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