Friday Favorites (11.4.16)

It is almost the weekend! 

Like every Friday, I am linking up with Grace and LoveA Little Bit of Everything, & Momfessionals  to share 5 of my favorites from the week!

My first favorite has to be a surprise I came home to on Tuesday. The package was from Nordstrom and I was racking my brain trying to remember what the heck I ordered! Then I found out it was a birthday present! Ryan's mom got me this really nice maroon Pea Coat! Such an awesome surprise!! 

Now all Louisiana has to do is get colder!! I did a little research and found the exact coat! You can check it out here!

Another favorite from the week has to our weekend in Houston celebrating Halloween! I think we make some fun Greek Gods!

You can check out our Houston and Halloween pictures here and here

Guys I can't tell you how much I am loving This Is Us. This show gives you all those warm and fuzzy feelings and might possibly be my new favorite TV show! Is anyone else totally in love with this show?! I love all the characters so much and I can feel myself getting invested in their story-lines (Randall may be my favorite though)! 

Another big favorite for the week is the Cubs winning the World Series!! Though my allegiance will always lie with the Red Sox - the Chicago Cubs are a close second. This is probably a result of my obsession with Chicago! And JUST last month we toured Wrigley Field which makes their win super special!



My last favorite for the week has to be this candle! My apartment has smelt like carmel apple all week and it's lovely! I light it when I get home from work and it usually stays lit throughout the evening! 

This weekend we have our first Louisiana wedding and friends coming into town to stay with us for it! Should be a ton of fun! Hope you all have a great weekend! 


  1. I honestly can't remember the last time I've been into a new show but This Is Us totally has me invested. I really like Randall too but I'm also really interested to see where they are going with Kate's storyline. Have a great weekend!


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