Houston Museum of Natural Science

Over the weekend we went to the Houston Museum of Natural Science in Texas. We had decided to go to Houston to visit some of our Louisiana-friends-turned-Texans and thought the museum would be a fun way to spend the day on Saturday!

Highlights included the dinosaur exhibit, the petrified wood exhibit and all of the gorgeous gems and minerals! My only complaint was that the gem and mineral exhibit had all of these awesome displays and there were no labels!!! All I wanted to know was what the mineral was and where it could be found... and nothing!! Besides that, the museum was really nice. We spent a solid 4 hours there!

(Sorry my pictures stink - the lighting was pretty dark) 



One of my favorite things about museums are museum gift shops! I feel like you can find the most unique stuff there! Ryan fell in love with these petrified wood book ends and kept talking about how cool it would be to have a petrified wood coffee table (Give you one guess what his favorite exhibit was).

These things are both crazy $$$ so we didn't get any… maybe some day when we win the millions!

The rest of our Houston mini vacation comprised of Halloween shenanigans (see that post here).

I can't believe it is already November! Where is this year going!?



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