What's Up Wednesday! November 2016

Ok so I totally missed the memo that What's Up Wednesday was LAST week instead of THIS week this month. Whoops! But since it is my favorite monthly link-up, I figured I would do the blog post anyway because why not!?

So Happy What's Up Wednesday! 

This month I am not linking up with The Larson LingoMix & Match Family and  Sheaffer Told Me To since I missed the memo

To read my past What's Up Wednesday posts…

What we're eating this week…

Turkey Soup (made from our Thanksgiving leftovers)!
Homemade broth, turkey, celery, carrots, onion and super yummy rolls!

Imagine this yummy dinner in soup form! 


What I'm reminiscing about…

This time last year we were traveling home from an awesome couple days in Disney World! 

Nothing is more magical than Disney World during the holidays! 

What I'm loving…

Our apartment is so cozy right now all decorated for Christmas! My favorite thing is snuggling on the couch with the Christmas tree in the background!

What we've been up to…

Last week I went on a bunch of adventures with my dad and sister while they visited for Thanksgiving week! You can see all of our adventures here!

What I'm dreading...

Every. Single. Time. I. Have. To. Put. On. A. Right. Shoe.

On Thanksgiving during a post-dinner walk... I accidentally stepped into a fire ant hill... while wearing flip flops. 20+ fire ant bites, lots of benadryl and ice packs later my foot is still recovering from the attack.

(This photo falls under the category of - things I never thought I would post on my blog)

What I'm working on…

Christmas Shopping. We are soooo close to being done but have a couple yankee swaps and miscellaneous presents still to pick up! So close! In other news: all my Christmas cards are stamped, addressed and already out in the mail! #Winning

What I'm exited about…

All things Merry and Bright!! 

What I'm watching/reading…


My weekly favorites:

And I am also excited about these:


A couple weeks ago I started Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult. I got a couple chapters in - then life got really busy with the Thanksgiving holiday - so I had to take a break. Now that things have calmed down a bit, I cant wait to pick it back up! Jodi Picoult is my favorite!


What I'm listening to…

Christmas Music. 
All day. 

What I'm wearing…

I am always so bad at remembering to take pictures of my outfits. Just imagine: boots, scarves, vests, flannel and you got my favorite outfit choice!

What I'm doing this weekend…

Hopefully finishing off the Christmas shopping and maybe trying out a new baking recipe!

What I'm looking forward to next month…

We have a wedding in Connecticut...
Some secret exciting things in the works... 
A week in Massachusetts planned for Christmas and New Years!

Lots to look forward to! I am sure December will fly by!


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