Our First Southern Wedding!

On Saturday we went to our very first Louisiana wedding!!! I guess that means we have lived here long enough to establish forever friendships! It's truly crazy how fast the time goes!

The wedding was in New Orleans at the House of Broel which was gorgeous… and so Louisiana!! Our friends looked so happy and in love - I am so happy they found each other!   

Here are some pictures from their website so you get the idea what it looks like (I didn't take too many):


Ok now I have to talk about the cakes (yes there were TWO)! The first cake was four layers and was beautiful and classic! 

The second cake was german chocolate and hilarious! How awesome are those cake toppers!?

Being our first Louisiana wedding I learned a southern wedding cake tradition that I never new existed!   Have you heard of a Cake Pull!? 

(I got all of this information from the Home and Garden weddings page)

Southern wedding cake charms is a that tradition cries out for romance and elegance. Understanding this tradition is part of the fun of selecting wedding cake accessories for your wedding. Wedding charms date back to Victorian times. Tiny charms, typically made of silver with ribbons attached, were placed inside the cake. During the reception, bridesmaids and other attendants pulled the ribbons and charms out of the cake. This little ceremony was called a "cake pull", and it is still practiced today, particularly in the South.

Today, cake pulls aren't just limited to the attendants. Children, parents of the bride and groom, and other guests can all gather around the cake. The ribbons are fanned out, and before the cake is cut, guests pull the ribbons out of the cake. Each charm tells a fortune or prediction for the future and is a quaint memento of the wedding celebration.

The charms represent a variety of symbols and depending on the shape of the charm, their meanings include:

Ring: Upcoming marriage
Heart: New love
Kite: Fun and leisurely life
Fleur-de-Lis: Love will blossom, prosperity
Four Leaf Clover: Lucky in life
Anchor: Adventure awaits
Red Bean: Good luck
Star: Wish comes true
Thimble: Spinsterhood
Hot Air Balloon: A life of travel and adventure
Butterfly: Eternal beauty
Wreath: Contented life

How cool is that? Such a fun tradition!! So glad we got the opportunity to learn about how other parts of the country celebrate marriage! We have only been to northern weddings so this was a cool surprise and learning experience! 

And then on Sunday… we crashed HARD! Ryan and I both had 3+hour naps! I spent most of the day like this: 

Thank goodness for the extra hour - daylight savings - you rock! 

Happy Monday! 


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