Friday Favorites (11.18.16)

Like every Friday, I am linking up with Grace and LoveA Little Bit of Everything, & Momfessionals  to share 5 of my favorites from the week!

This discovery was a GAME CHANGER. I have always lived by the rule that when baking chicken, one hour in the oven is the minimum. I was so excited to try another recipe from my Mix and Match Mama Eats Cookbook but wanted something easy… I went with her quick and easy chicken parmesan.  And OMG this chicken recipe cooks in 16 minutes!! You read that right! 16 minutes!!!!! I didn't even know that was possible. Not to mention it was super yummy! You can check out her recipe here!

I also tried out her Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bars and man are they addicting! Two major successes so far from this cookbook!

A second favorite for the week was the pregnancy announcement of a family friend! Couldn't be happier for them! ❤ Babies!

And how perfect is this pregnancy announcement photo?!!! 

My background noise (for cleaning, cooking, laundry, crafting, etc.) for the last month has been Parenthood on Netflix. 

And this past week I finished watching it. 
And I cried like a baby. 
And I just want to be a Braverman. 
Hold me. 

What a fantastic series. I would love if they did a reunion series like Gilmore Girls with all of the kids grown up and having their own kids. It would be awesome!! 

I am also really loving the President Obama and VP Joe Biden jokes that are floating around Facebook.  Making the election recovery process a little more bearable! I also totally have this image of Biden discovering these memes and finding them hilarious... which only makes them that much better!

Complete side note: I got to video conference with VP Joe Biden at work a couple months ago as part of the Moonshot Cancer Initiative. It was pre-recorded but still totally awesome. 

And last but not least - I am super excited for my father and sister to come down and visit for the week! We have not all spent this much time together consecutively since before my parents separated back in the early 2000s! I don't have a ton of stuff planned since I sort of have to lay low from my ER visit but I am sure whatever we do - it will be fun! 

Writers note: Since I am taking next week off work and entertaining my house guests I am not sure how much free time I will have for blog posts. There are a couple things I would love to post about before Christmas season rolls in so hopefully I can type them up this weekend and have them posted during the week!


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