When Two Cute Doctors See Your Bum

So if you missed my Monday post, I was in the ER this past weekend. On Friday I started having spasms in my chest and abdomen and unfortunately they were still happening on Sunday. The frequency had decreased from Friday to Sunday, but having waited it out a couple days and since it was still happening, I thought it was best to go to the ER - even if just for peace of mind. Three hours, an EKG, a chest x-ray and some labs later - no one really could figure out what was going on. I had two doctors tell me they were stumped. So I got discharged with orders to take it easy and to come back if the frequency got worse or more painful. 

Yesterday I had a follow-up with my doctor. She decided to do some abdominal X-rays to check my stomach and pancreas (just to be sure nothing is wrong). So I go to radiology and check-in. Cute doctor #1 comes and gets me and instructs me that I will have to take off my shirt, bra and pants. I panic. I was not prepared to have scans again and definitely was rocking a thong (Thank goodness it was a cute one). #UnderwearCrisis. So I get out of the changing room and I am trying to tie up my gown... well Cute Doctor #1 comes over and ties my gown for me. Needless to say - he got a full moon. There was no avoiding it. **Sigh**

So I get called in to get my X-rays and have to do a standing X-ray. Cute Doctor (technically radiation technician) #2 gives me instructions to face the machine and then put my arms to the side. Sigh. I was aggressively holding my gown together and had to let go to follow instructions. #2 gets a full moon. Not only that… I had to do a repeat of the image. Double the butt-age. 

Four new abdomen scans and two mortifying butt displays later - my organs are looking good and I just need to wait out the spasms and pray they go away. 

Embarrassment = Worth it 


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