Friday Favorites (11.11.16)

Like every Friday, I am linking up with Grace and LoveA Little Bit of Everything, & Momfessionals  to share 5 of my favorites from the week!

What a LONG week! 
I am SO happy that we can take a brake from politics for a while! 

But since it was election week… my first favorite has to be the Louisiana "I Voted" stickers! 

Blue Dog for the win! 

And on election day I saw this comic and was like… so true! 

This election was so emotionally draining that it was nice to find some comic relief during it all!

My next favorite has to be Willow and his chubby bunny self. His new thing is hiding behind our porch blinds. When I say "hiding"… I really mean thinking-he-is-hiding-but-totally-sitcking-out.  

It is tough to be Willow sometimes. 

So Hobby Lobby was having a 50% off Christmas item sale and (since I can't help myself) I bought invested in this nativity set! I fell in love with how colorful it was! Usually you find either super realistic looking statues or very plain simple statues. I was pleasantly surprised to find this set!! They are wooden, not to big and perfectly our style! Can't wait to put them out! 

It is still on sale so if you are in the market for a nativity you can get this set... here!

This week I bought these new slippers and I LOVE them!!! I have basically spent every second at home in them! 

They are the definition of Cozy!! 
I got them from Payless - you can check them out here

My last favorite for the week is this new board game that I am slightly obsessed with! We first played it with some friends a couple months ago. I wanted to buy it then but it was way too expensive online! Well… it went on sale on Amazon and I bought TWO (one for us and one for a Christmas Present)! We played it last night… and though it may have taken us 30min to re-remember how to play… once we got the hang of it we all had a bunch of fun! Introducing Castles of the Mad King Ludwig

Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend! I plan to get some Christmas shopping done!


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