Yes. I am that girl. The one who may or may not be obsessing about Christmas and it is only November 3rd. When I have a bad day - I wander the Christmas section of Hobby Lobby and it makes me feel a million times busy. 

Basically this is me…

No exaggeration.
Just ask my boyfriend.
He had to put a ban on Christmas music until Turkey Day otherwise it would be on 24-7!

Ever since Ryan and I moved in together we have been slowly adding to our Christmas decorations. I try and pick 1 or two things each year that I am allowed to splurge on! This year it was a Christmas wreath and stocking holders! Annnnd I already got both! #OMGChristmas

I got this Wreath from Michaels:

 I couldn't find the exact same one online but this one pictured below is very similar (just add a bow)!   

As far as wreaths go: I usually make them myself. You can actually check out some of my homemade wreaths here! But I was doing some quick math comparing how much the supplies would cost vs. how much a completed wreath would cost and decided that for now - it would make more sense just to buy a pre-assembled one. 

Fun fact: Michaels was having a 50% off one item day and I had a gift card… soooo I only actually paid 3$ for the wreath! #MajorSavingsWin

And just yesterday I picked up these adorable snowmen stocking holders from Hobby Lobby!


I really wanted free standing ones because those are the kind I had growing up. I saw these two and completely fell in love with them! Ryan called dibs on the christmas tree one and I have the present one! I can totally see them on a mantle someday when we have a house!!

Ok - I will try and keep my Christmas enthusiasm on lock down until after turkey day … but I can't promise that these snowmen aren't already on our breakfast bar!

Come back tomorrow for some Friday Favorites!


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