What's Up Wednesday! October 2016

And since it's the last Wednesday of the month… Happy What's Up Wednesday! 
As always I am linking up with The Larson LingoMix & Match Family and  Sheaffer Told Me To to share what's up this month! To read my past What's Up Wednesday posts…

Whats's Up Wednesday! May 2016 
What's Up Wednesday! June 2016
What's Up Wednesday! July 2016
What's Up Wednesday! August 2016 
What's Up Wednesday! September 2016 

What we're eating this week…

On Sunday I made a whole bunch of butterscotch chocolate chip cookies! I know we will be snacking on them all week! How cute is this leaf cookie cutter cookie!?

What I'm reminiscing about…

Back when we lived in Massachusetts - this time of year we would travel to the Roger Williams Zoo for the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular. It is a nighttime walk through the zoo with thousands of super impressive pumpkin carvings.


Every time we try to carve a pumpkin here in Louisiana - the heat basically melts it the next day. For that reason, I don't think we are going to do one this year. Makes me really miss the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular and cool New England weather!

What I'm loving…

This impromptu photo shoot with my fluffy bunny! Willow tolerates me occasional making him do silly things for a photo. He is such a good bunny!


What we've been up to…

Weddings. The story of our life! We have one the beginning of November and one the beginning of December! That's a grand total of 6 for 2016! We had 7 in 2015 and we already have 1 (possibly 2) for 2017! I love being surrounded by all of our friends in love!

What I'm dreading...

My job is in a weird transition from monthly paychecks to bi-weekly paychecks. This week is the weird adjustment week and I am dreading rescheduling all my bills to better fit the bi-weekly schedule. Everyone tells me I will love it… and I'm sure I will… just need to re-settle in first!

What I'm working on…

Christmas Presents! Ryan and I have our gift lists made and slowly we are chipping away at it! I know it seems crazy to be thinking about in October - but financially it is a lot better to be buying gifts throughout the last months of the year so that it isn't crazy all at once after Thanksgiving! We already have a couple ready to go!! #PresentButtKicking

What I'm exited about…

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them comes out next month!
Excited to have the Harry Potter magic live on!

We are big fans in this household in case you didn't know!

You can read my review on Harry Potter and the Cursed Child here!

What I'm watching/reading…


The Walking Dead came back this past weekend. I think I may need therapy after the season premier!! Anyone else watch it and still recovering??

And on a lighter note I have also been watching This is Us & Grey's Anatomy!


I just finished re-reading Inferno by Dan Brown and this past week I started The Light Between Oceans by ML Stedman! So far I really like it!

What I'm listening to…

This American Life podcast has been kicking butt the past couple of months! I love that they dive into controversial topics and present them with such grace. They also do a really good job representing each point of view. This past weeks episode presents a song written by Sarah Bareilles, sung by Leslie Odom Jr., with the inspiration being President Obama's current point of view.

We’ve been wondering about some of the things President Obama thinks about the current election, but can’t say publicly. But since he hasn’t told us his thoughts explicitly, we asked singer/songwriter Sara Bareilles – who did the Broadway musical “Waitress” – to imagine those thoughts for us. One of the stars of Hamilton, Leslie Odom Jr., performs the song. Music direction by Nadia DiGiallonardo, strings orchestration by Alex Lacamoire. 

Politics aside - the song is beautiful. I seriously recommend listening to it.

You can listen to it here: Seriously? (Song at ~ 60 mins)

What I'm wearing…

My birthday present from Ryan was a new pair of sneakers! I am WAY over due for a new pair (last time I bought sneakers was in 2013) and after trying on a bunch of different types and styles I settled on a pair of Saucony Ride 9s. I have only worn them grocery shopping but so far I am really happy with my shoe choice! Thanks Ryan!

What I'm doing this weekend…

Going to Houston!

A couple of our Louisiana friends got relocated to Houston, Texas for work this past year. We are going to drive up on Friday to visit and celebrate Halloween with them this weekend! Ryan and I made greek god costumes which should be hilarious - he is going to be Poseidon and I plan to be Calypso!

I am sure there will be some fantastic photos to share after this weekend!

What I'm looking forward to next month…

There is a bunch going on next month!

There is a wedding…
Ryan's first half Marathon…
And my dad and sister come to visit!

Lots of fun to look forward to!

What else is new… 

Nothing much that you all don't already know! =)


  1. Aww I feel you with missing the New England weather during this season. I moved back to New York this year from Los Angeles and I'm really taking in the fall since I've missed it the past few years. I can't wait for The Fantastic Beasts move either, and I highly recommend the movie version of A Light Between Oceans (I ugly cried) after you finish the book! Thats an adorable bunny by the way :-)

    1. Totally jealous about your move back to New York! I'm sure you guys are having a gorgeous fall right now!!! And The Light Between Oceans movie trailer is actually what made me want to read the book! I plan to watch it the second I finish reading! Thanks for the bunny compliment! =)


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