Chicago Part 1: Deep Dish & Wrigley Field

**Writers note: I am still trying to figure out a better way to get my photos from my iPhone into my Mac since I can no longer manually upload… any and all ideas are welcome! I have been using Dropbox in the meantime! 

Last Thursday and Friday, Ryan and I went on a mini vacation to Chicago, Illinois! I have been to Chicago 3 times before this trip and I have always referred to it as my favorite US city. I even had grand plans of moving and working there after college (before falling in love and Louisiana were on the  table). I couldn't wait to show it off to Ryan and had high hopes that he would fall in love with the city as much as I have. Since my past trips were much longer stays - I have done basically all of the tourist-y things - so this time around, I had Ryan pick out what he wanted to do (with a couple strong suggestions thrown in there)!

We had a super early flight Thursday morning and landed in Chicago at ~9:00am. We took the blue line "L" into downtown Chicago and walked a couple blocks to our hotel: the Warwick Allerton. I had found a Groupon for this hotel which made it semi more affordable but realistically to stay downtown in a prime location is never going to be cheap! It was a nice hotel - our room was small but the bed was comfy and in our world that is all that matters! 

Ryan's first time on the "L" 

Thats our hotel!

After getting all checked in - we threw on a couple layers (in preparation for the rain) and headed out to lunch! First thing on the menu was Deep Dish Pizza for lunch. We went to the original UNOs which was only a 15min walk from our hotel and since it was a little early for lunch - it wasn't crowded at all! 


First Deep Dish! 

It was totally raining at this point! 

The next thing on our list was a tour of Wrigley Field! Ryan really wanted to to see a game, but unfortunately the Cubs were playing an away game when we were visiting. So we settled with a tour of the historic Wrigley Field. I am not a huge sports person (with the exception of having some New England sports pride: Patriots, Red Soxs, Celtics, Bruins!) so a tour of a baseball field wasn't something I would have picked out. And let me tell you… it was great! I may be a Cubs fan now!?…Say what!? Of course second to the Red Sox! I think it truly had to do with our tour guide. He was classic Chicago, was a die-hard Cubs fan and totally knew his stuff! He will make you fall in love with Wrigley Field whether you want to or not! 


This was a little sports bar we stopped in to avoid the rain before the tour started!




We got to sit in the locker room for the visiting team! 

This was Tom our tour guide - totally the best! 

My favorite part was that they let us go down to the field and take pictures! 



The rain cleared up and it ended up being a really awesome start to our mini vacation!! Tomorrow I will share part two which includes our Observatory trip and some nighttime Navy Pier action! 


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