Chicago Part 4: Art Institute

Happy Monday! 

Today I am continuing my mini saga from our Chicago trip! Crazy to believe we were only there for 2 days and we were able to squeeze so much in! That... and I took a million photos!! To catch up on Parts 1, 2 & 3 go here…!

We left off Friday morning (9/30) where we had just explored Millennium Park (by far my favorite must-visit place when in the city)! Right next door is The Art Institute of Chicago… aka our primary plan for the day!

Ryan insisted on getting this picture to show off the statue's large nose profile! LOL


This strange Modern Art piece had shiny cat advertisements all over the floors that you had to step on to work through the room. Totally random! 

Any Jackson Pollock fans out there?

We loved this fancy golden mirror! 

One of my FAVORITES! Just love all the water lilies  


This was actually a ram statue but it looked like a bunny and made us think of our fluffy bunny Willow!

So much beautiful art! 

This one was Ryan's favorite! When he was little, his art teacher had taken this painting, divided it up for all the students and each student got to paint their own section to create the larger painting! Ryan got that guy who is sitting's knee! Ha! 

We spent 4 hours in the museum and made sure to see all that there was to see! We were bummed the American Gothic painting (farmer with pitchfork and wife) was away on display somewhere but overall it was a great way to spend a major part of our day! 

Tomorrow I wrap up our Chicago trip with the remaining pictures from our stay! Make sure to come back and check them out!


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