The Girl on the Train (Movie)

Over the weekend I went to go see The Girl on the Train. I read the book last month and thought the storyline was remarkably clever so I really wanted to see how it would turn out as a movie. 

The storyline is from the point of view for three different female leads. 

Rachel (Emily Blunt) 
The unreliable dunk 

Anna (Rebecca Ferguson)
The protective mother 

Megan (Haley Bennett) 
The mysterious sexy neighbor 

Their lives are twisted together in a suspenseful thriller/mystery drama. 

I was happily surprised to find that the movie was pretty true to the book! The only major difference (which wasn't exactly major but annoyed me) was that the storyline in the book takes place in London where the movie was in NYC. Yet they still had Emily Blunt - a British actress- play the lead with her natural accent while all the other characters had an American accent. Weird right? 

I dragged my boyfriend along and he had zero clue what to expect in the storyline and came out really liking it. He told me yesterday that he has been thinking about it since we went to see it and that is the definition of a good movie for him. 

This movie is appropriately R rated (nudity/violence). I actually got carded buying the tickets! So you have been forewarned! I really like the movie portrayal of the book and definitely recommend it if you are looking for a good date night out!


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