Friday Favorites (10.28.16)

Happy Friday! 

And Happy Birthday Mom! 

Like every Friday, I am linking up with Grace and LoveA Little Bit of Everything, & Momfessionals  to share 5 of my favorites from the week! 

My first favorite for the week was seeing Willow sitting on his shelf again! 

We haven't seen Willow sitting on his shelf for a couple weeks now which made us sad because he used to sit up there waiting for us to get home! We always referred to that as #ShelfLife. We figured that Willow's chubbiness finally got the best of him and he couldn't fit up there anymore! 

Then the other day when we were hanging out after work he was chilling up there!! He doesn't let his fat hanging over the edge stop him!! LOL 

I picture him thinking…

Ok so there are like 6 prime parking spots outside of our apartment building and it is alway a major win to get one of them. There is a ton of parking in our complex but these spots are the cream of the crop! Well. A couple weeks ago someone went and paid for a reserved parking post to save themselves one of those spots!! **Sigh** It made it so much harder to get one of the 5 remaining good spots! Ryan and I have been joking that we want to sneak out at night and make the reserved post magically disappear. Then on Wednesday I got home from work and look!!!

The post was removed!!!  I texted this picture to Ryan and we both cheered!! 


This week in Baton Rouge is Burger and Beer Week! 

Participating restaurants will have 5$ Specialty Burgers and Beer and for every time you instagram a photo with the hashtag #EatBR, $1 is donated to the Baton Rouge food bank! 


We went to The Londoner which had the "Pepperjack The Ripper Burger" aka 6oz. burger patty stuffed with American cheese, ghost pepper cheese fries topped with bacon and green onion. We completely forgot to bring our phones out to dinner with us (major fail) and didn't get to take a pic!

If you live in the BR area you should totally go eat yourself silly with burgers! 
You can cheek out all the yummy places participating…. here!

Believe it or not: I bought AND gifted Ryan with his Christmas present on Wednesday! I got him an iPod Nano and I wanted him to be able to use it for his upcoming half marathon (and all of that training time)! He chose the blue!! It's so petite and totally awesome! Now we just have to find a jogging arm band to go with it! If any of you have a iPod Nano and have any band recommendations - send them my way! 

My last favorite for the week is my mom's reaction to her early birthday present! I sent her an edible arrangement on Tuesday since she was at work for 12hours and I knew it would brighten up her long day… and it totally did! Who doesn't love fruit smothered in chocolate!?

We are off to Houston to celebrate Halloween and visit some friends! Hope you all have a fantastic weekend! 


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