Friday Favorites (6.22.18)



My office was killing it this week! 
On Tuesday it was gorgeous out and we decided to go get icecream at the local homemade icecream shop down the road! Please note... this was a small!

Then on Thursday we had a summer solstice cookout for lunch which was really nice! Work has been pretty stressful lately so this was a nice way to relax and enjoy each others company!


I have recently become obsessed with Burts Bees facial cleansing wipes! I use one every day around 2:00pm when my face starts to feel greasy and they help me feel so refreshed the rest of the day! I love the Cucumber & Sage one!!!


I was part of the YMCA when I lived in Louisiana and have re-joined since I have been in Massachusetts! I have been going to a Zumba class every Thursday and it has been so much fun. The teacher is always so happy and gets everyone really into it which I appreciate. I think the best part of the class is that you get as much out of it as you put into it. The class is full of people all shapes and sized (and ages)  and everyone really has fun with it (doesn't matter if you are good or bad with it)! The last couple months I have been getting my mom to go with me and it has really inspired her to work out more. She now even does Yoga on Mondays all by her self!

Just 3 this week! Truthfully its 5:30am on and I need to get going for work! *facepalm*

Happy Friday everyone!


  1. I love Zumba! I had two great friends that were instructors. It's like you don't even know you're working out:). And that ice cream! Ahhh. Have a great weekend!

  2. I need to check out those Burts Bees cloths! I've been using the Nothing But Cucumbers one, but they're almost TOO harsh on my face with our new climate. Thanks so much for sharing! I hope you have the BEST weekend!


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