What's Up Wednesday! August 2016

I can't believe how quick this year is going!! I was in the supermarket last night and they were selling all sorts of pumpkin spice everything. You know what that means! 

Fall is right around the corner! 

And since it's the last Wednesday of the month… Happy What's Up Wednesday! As always I am linking up with The Larson LingoMix & Match Family and  Sheaffer Told Me To to share what's up this month! To read my past What's Up Wednesday's posts…

Whats's Up Wednesday! May 2016 
What's Up Wednesday! June 2016

What we’re eating this week…

A little bit of this… 

… and a whole lot of this…

And the best surprise of all! I found this Cadbury Creme Egg in the freezer and was SO excited!! Cadbury Creme Eggs are my FAVORITE candy and a perfect middle of August surprise! 

What I’m reminiscing about…

 One of my roommates in college gave me and my other roommate these homemade key chains 6 years ago!  

WPI for our college Worcester Polytechnic Institute 

AXiD for our sorority Alpha Xi Delta 

As my 5 year college reunion is next year - and I might be on the planning committee for it - I have been reminiscing a lot about the fun and crazy college days! 

What I’m loving…

Like every month - my boy and our bunny! <3 

What we’ve been up to…

Last weekend I had a quick reunion with two of my freshmen year roommates. I plan to summarize the trip tomorrow so make sure to come back and check out all the silly! 

And as a sneak peek… apparently I make ridiculous faces when I encounter tropical birds! 


What I’m dreading…

If you live the South-Eastern part of the country you have been closely following storm I-99. It is not yet a hurricane and hopefully it will never be one! Keep your fingers crossed for us! 

What I’m working on…

I started a new blanket this week! This is the crochet pattern I am using! I am using the colors Teal, Purple and White! I might throw in a 4th color… I will see how it looks once I hit 3!  

What I’m excited about…

Ryan's cousin is due to have a baby girl in a couple of weeks! I am so excited to find out what she looks like and what they decide to name her! Can't wait to meet the new addition!

What I’m watching/reading…


Weirdly my boyfriend and I started Netflix binging the show Tales of Irish Castles. We went to Ireland three years ago and loveeeed every minute of it! This series has made us really want to go back and explore the parts we didn't get to see! 


I have done a whole lot of reading recently! I recently finished the Peculiar Children Series. You can read that review… here

I then went to work on these three! 

I just finished Barefoot and The Girl on the Train this week and will review them next week! 

What I’m listening to…

When I am cooking and cleaning I have been using the TV show Once Upon a Time as background noise. I have seen the episodes before so I don't feel like I need to watch intensely but it is perfect for filling the silence. 

What I’m wearing…

I call this my work elevator selfie series! LOL


What I’m doing this weekend…

Celebrating working by not working!! No specific plans yet but I am sure we will enjoy the long weekend! 

What I’m looking forward to next month…

We have 1 wedding in September and a vacation to Chicago planned with my main man! 
I am also so looking forward for to Fall! Bring on the boots, scarves and flannel! 


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